This document demonstates the R package ‘ForecastTB’. It is intended for comparing the performance of forecasting methods. The package assists in developing background, strategies, policies and environment needed for comparison of forecasting methods. A comparison report for the defined framework is produced as an output. Load the package as following:
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
#> method from
#> zoo
The basic function of the package is
. Following are the parameters
considered by this function:
: input time series for testing
: an integer to decide number of values to
predict (default:12
: type of error calculation (RMSE and MAE are
default), add an error parameter of your choice in the following manner:
ePara = c("errorparametername")
, where errorparametername
is should be a source/function which returns desired error set.
and MAE
: list of names of error parameters passed
in order (default:RMSE
and MAE
: list of locations of function for the
proposed prediction method (should be recursive)
: list of names for function for the
proposed prediction method in order
: list of forecasting strategies. Available :
and dirRec
: suggests if the function is used to append
to another instance. (default:1
: last d values of the data to be used for
forecasting (default: length of the data
The prediction_errors()
function returns, two slots as
output. First slot is output
, which provides
, indicating error values for the
forecasting methods and error parameters defined in the framework, and
as values forecasted with the same
foreasting methods. Further, the second slot is parameters
which returns the parameters used or provided to
a <- prediction_errors(data = nottem) #`nottem` is a sample dataset in CRAN
#> An object of class "prediction_errors"
#> Slot "output":
#> $Error_Parameters
#> RMSE MAE MAPE exec_time
#> ARIMA 2.3400915 1.9329816 4.2156087 0.1036696
#> $Predicted_Values
#> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
#> Test values 39.40000 40.90000 42.40000 47.80000 52.40000 58.00000 60.70000
#> ARIMA 37.41933 37.69716 41.18252 46.29926 52.24804 57.10696 59.71674
#> 8 9 10 11 12
#> Test values 61.80000 58.20000 46.7000 46.60000 37.80000
#> ARIMA 59.41173 56.38197 51.4756 46.04203 41.52592
#> Slot "parameters":
#> $data
#> Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
#> 1920 40.6 40.8 44.4 46.7 54.1 58.5 57.7 56.4 54.3 50.5 42.9 39.8
#> 1921 44.2 39.8 45.1 47.0 54.1 58.7 66.3 59.9 57.0 54.2 39.7 42.8
#> 1922 37.5 38.7 39.5 42.1 55.7 57.8 56.8 54.3 54.3 47.1 41.8 41.7
#> 1923 41.8 40.1 42.9 45.8 49.2 52.7 64.2 59.6 54.4 49.2 36.3 37.6
#> 1924 39.3 37.5 38.3 45.5 53.2 57.7 60.8 58.2 56.4 49.8 44.4 43.6
#> 1925 40.0 40.5 40.8 45.1 53.8 59.4 63.5 61.0 53.0 50.0 38.1 36.3
#> 1926 39.2 43.4 43.4 48.9 50.6 56.8 62.5 62.0 57.5 46.7 41.6 39.8
#> 1927 39.4 38.5 45.3 47.1 51.7 55.0 60.4 60.5 54.7 50.3 42.3 35.2
#> 1928 40.8 41.1 42.8 47.3 50.9 56.4 62.2 60.5 55.4 50.2 43.0 37.3
#> 1929 34.8 31.3 41.0 43.9 53.1 56.9 62.5 60.3 59.8 49.2 42.9 41.9
#> 1930 41.6 37.1 41.2 46.9 51.2 60.4 60.1 61.6 57.0 50.9 43.0 38.8
#> 1931 37.1 38.4 38.4 46.5 53.5 58.4 60.6 58.2 53.8 46.6 45.5 40.6
#> 1932 42.4 38.4 40.3 44.6 50.9 57.0 62.1 63.5 56.3 47.3 43.6 41.8
#> 1933 36.2 39.3 44.5 48.7 54.2 60.8 65.5 64.9 60.1 50.2 42.1 35.8
#> 1934 39.4 38.2 40.4 46.9 53.4 59.6 66.5 60.4 59.2 51.2 42.8 45.8
#> 1935 40.0 42.6 43.5 47.1 50.0 60.5 64.6 64.0 56.8 48.6 44.2 36.4
#> 1936 37.3 35.0 44.0 43.9 52.7 58.6 60.0 61.1 58.1 49.6 41.6 41.3
#> 1937 40.8 41.0 38.4 47.4 54.1 58.6 61.4 61.8 56.3 50.9 41.4 37.1
#> 1938 42.1 41.2 47.3 46.6 52.4 59.0 59.6 60.4 57.0 50.7 47.8 39.2
#> 1939 39.4 40.9 42.4 47.8 52.4 58.0 60.7 61.8 58.2 46.7 46.6 37.8
#> $nval
#> [1] 12
#> $ePara
#> [1] "RMSE" "MAE" "MAPE"
#> $ePara_name
#> [1] "RMSE" "MAE" "MAPE"
#> $Method
#> [1] "ARIMA"
#> $MethodName
#> [1] "ARIMA"
#> $Strategy
#> [1] "Recursive"
#> $dval
#> [1] 240
The quick visualization of the object retuned with
function can be done with
function as below:
As discussed above, prediction_errors()
evaluates the performance of ARIMA
method. In addition, it
allows to compare performance of distinct methods along with
. In following example, two methods (LPSF
and PSF
) are compared along with the ARIMA
These methods are formatted in the form of a function, which requires
and nval
as input parameters and must
return the nval
number of frecasted values as a vector. In
following code, test1()
and test2()
are used for LPSF
and PSF
test1 <- function(data, nval){
return(lpsf(data = data, n.ahead = nval))
test2 <- function(data, nval){
a <- psf(data = data, cycle = 12)
b <- predict(object = a, n.ahead = nval)
Following code chunk show how user can attach various methods in the
function. In this chunk, the
parameter is assigned 1
, to appned the
new methods (LPSF
and PSF
) in addition to the
default ARIMA
method. On contrary, if the
parameter is assigned 0
, only newly
added LPSF
and PSF
nethods would be
a1 <- prediction_errors(data = nottem, nval = 48,
Method = c("test1(data, nval)", "test2(data, nval)"),
MethodName = c("LPSF","PSF"), append_ = 1)
#> RMSE MAE MAPE exec_time
#> ARIMA 2.52331560 2.12806408 4.51353777 0.06706047
#> LPSF 2.3915796 1.9361111 4.2386499 0.1389005
#> PSF 2.05773359 1.56168084 3.35323747 0.08567429
b1 <- plot(a1)
Consider, another function test3()
, which is to be added
to an already existing object prediction_errors
, eg.
test3 <- function(data, nval){
b <- as.numeric(forecast(ets(data), h = nval)$mean)
For this purpose, the append_()
function can be used as
The append_()
function have object
, MethodName
, ePara
parameters, with similar meaning as that of used
in prediction_errors()
function. Other hidden parameters of
the append_()
function automatically get synced with the
c1 <- append_(object = a1, Method = c("test3(data,nval)"), MethodName = c('ETS'))
#> RMSE MAE MAPE exec_time
#> ARIMA 2.52331560 2.12806408 4.51353777 0.06706047
#> LPSF 2.3915796 1.9361111 4.2386499 0.1389005
#> PSF 2.05773359 1.56168084 3.35323747 0.08567429
#> ETS 38.29743056 36.85216463 73.47667823 0.02986932
d1 <- plot(c1)
When more than one methods are established in the environment and the
user wish to remove one or more of these methods from it, the
function can be used. This function takes a
object as input shows all methods
established in the environment, and asks the number of methods which the
user wants to remove from it.
In the following example, the user supplied 4
as input,
which reflects Method 4: ETS
, and in response to this, the
function provides a new object with updated
method lists.
# > e1 <- choose_(object = c1)
# Following are the methods attached with the object:
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
# Indices "1" "2" "3" "4"
# Methods "ARIMA" "LPSF" "PSF" "ETS"
# Enter the indices of methods to remove:4
# > e1@output$Error_Parameters
# RMSE MAE exec_time
# ARIMA 2.5233156 2.1280641 0.1963789
# LPSF 2.3915796 1.9361111 0.2990961
# PSF 2.2748736 1.8301389 0.1226711
In default scenario, the prediction_errors()
compares forecasting methods in terms of RMSE
and MAPE
. In addition, it allows to append
multiple new error metrics. The Percent change in variance (PCV) is an
another error metric with following definition:
$PCV = \frac{\mid var(Predicted) - var(Observed) \mid}{var(Observed)}$
where var(Predicted) and var(Observed) are variance of predicted and obvserved values. Following chunk code is the function for PCV error metric:
pcv <- function(obs, pred){
d <- (var(obs) - var(pred)) * 100/ var(obs)
d <- abs(as.numeric(d))
Following chunk code is used to append PCV as a new error metric in
existing prediction_errors
a1 <- prediction_errors(data = nottem, nval = 48,
Method = c("test1(data, nval)", "test2(data, nval)"),
MethodName = c("LPSF","PSF"),
ePara = "pcv(obs, pred)", ePara_name = 'PCV',
append_ = 1)
#> RMSE MAE MAPE PCV exec_time
#> ARIMA 2.52331560 2.12806408 4.51353777 13.75707258 0.05859756
#> LPSF 2.442207 1.925000 4.213824 12.628574 0.132000
#> PSF 2.26573587 1.72187500 3.68420048 0.74537497 0.08170366
b1 <- plot(a1)
A unique way of showing forecasted values, especially if these are seasonal values, the following function can be used. This plot shows how forecatsed observations are behaving on an increasing number of seasonal time horizons.
Monte-Carlo is a popular strategy to compare the performance of forecasting methods, which selects multiple patches of dataset randomly and test performance of forecasting methods and returns the average error values.
The Monte-Carlo strategy ensures an accurate comparison of forecasting methods and avoids the baised results obtained by chance.
This package provides the monte_carlo()
function as
The parameters used in this function are:
: output of ‘prediction_errors()’
: volume of time series used in Monte Carlo
: number of iterations models to be
: a flag to view forecasted values in each
iteration (default: 0, don’t view values)
: a flag to view plots for each iteration
(default: 0, don’t view plots)
This function returns:
a1 <- prediction_errors(data = nottem, nval = 48,
Method = c("test1(data, nval)"),
MethodName = c("LPSF"), append_ = 1)
monte_carlo(object = a1, size = 180, iteration = 10)
#> 3 4.974178 5.665410
#> 42 2.957357 5.025379
#> 17 3.377959 5.496982
#> 30 3.477685 5.040425
#> 23 3.190408 4.867142
#> 58 2.534576 5.303882
#> 4 5.016741 5.547299
#> 20 3.732034 5.002620
#> 28 5.615779 5.567521
#> 21 2.931270 4.907598
#> Mean 3.780799 5.242426
When monte_carlo()
function with fval
ON flags:
#> $Error_Parameters
#> 71 2.713594 5.428513
#> 61 5.052924 5.650037
#> Mean 3.883259 5.539275
#> $Predicted_Values
#> $Predicted_Values[[1]]
#> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
#> Test values 36.40000 37.30000 35.00000 44.00000 43.90000 52.70000 58.60000
#> ARIMA 38.18867 36.14923 37.24969 41.49754 47.56345 53.84443 58.67937
#> LPSF 42.10000 35.80000 39.40000 38.20000 40.40000 46.90000 53.40000
#> 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
#> Test values 60.00000 61.10000 58.10000 49.60000 41.60000 41.30000 40.80000
#> ARIMA 60.85179 59.87343 56.09642 50.59348 44.85618 40.39191 38.32931
#> LPSF 59.60000 66.50000 60.40000 59.20000 51.20000 42.80000 45.80000
#> 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
#> Test values 41.00000 38.40000 47.40000 54.10000 58.60000 61.40000 61.80000
#> ARIMA 39.13466 42.51006 47.49464 52.73598 56.85568 58.81059 58.15541
#> LPSF 40.00000 42.60000 43.50000 47.10000 50.00000 60.50000 64.60000
#> 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
#> Test values 56.30000 50.90000 41.4000 37.10000 42.1000 41.20000 47.30000
#> ARIMA 55.14089 50.62714 45.8401 42.03989 40.1902 40.71535 43.40575
#> LPSF 64.00000 56.80000 48.6000 42.10000 35.8000 39.40000 38.20000
#> 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
#> Test values 46.60000 52.40000 59.00000 59.60000 60.40000 57.00000 50.70000
#> ARIMA 47.49195 51.86296 55.36711 57.11446 56.70156 54.30213 50.60407
#> LPSF 40.40000 46.90000 53.40000 59.60000 66.50000 60.40000 59.20000
#> 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
#> Test values 47.80000 39.20000 39.40000 40.90000 42.40000 47.80000 52.40000
#> ARIMA 46.61394 43.38402 41.73578 42.05209 44.19045 47.53623 51.17777
#> LPSF 51.20000 42.80000 45.80000 40.00000 42.60000 43.50000 47.10000
#> 43 44 45 46 47 48
#> Test values 58.00000 60.70000 61.80000 58.20000 46.70000 46.60000
#> ARIMA 54.15382 55.70642 55.47289 53.56867 50.54254 47.21997
#> LPSF 50.00000 60.50000 64.60000 64.00000 56.80000 48.60000
#> $Predicted_Values[[2]]
#> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
#> Test values 42.60000 43.50000 47.10000 50.00000 60.50000 64.60000 64.00000
#> ARIMA 39.85137 41.12164 44.72075 49.21257 53.51536 56.46311 57.34043
#> LPSF 36.20000 39.30000 44.50000 48.70000 54.20000 60.80000 65.50000
#> 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
#> Test values 56.80000 48.60000 44.20000 36.40000 37.30000 35.00000 44.00000
#> ARIMA 55.98365 52.82756 48.76339 44.89103 42.22197 41.41664 42.62273
#> LPSF 64.90000 60.10000 50.20000 42.10000 35.80000 39.40000 38.20000
#> 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
#> Test values 43.90000 52.70000 58.60000 60.00000 61.10000 58.1000 49.60000
#> ARIMA 45.45402 49.11026 52.60181 55.01631 55.75594 54.6838 52.14402
#> LPSF 40.40000 46.90000 53.40000 59.60000 66.50000 60.4000 59.20000
#> 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
#> Test values 41.6000 41.30000 40.80000 41.00000 38.40000 47.40000 54.10000
#> ARIMA 48.8548 45.70669 43.52255 42.84353 43.79642 46.07463 49.03363
#> LPSF 51.2000 42.80000 45.80000 36.20000 39.30000 44.50000 48.70000
#> 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
#> Test values 58.60000 61.4000 61.80000 56.30000 50.90000 41.40000 37.1000
#> ARIMA 51.87203 53.8477 54.47084 53.62409 51.58057 48.91871 46.3596
#> LPSF 54.20000 60.8000 65.50000 64.90000 60.10000 50.20000 42.1000
#> 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
#> Test values 42.10000 41.20000 47.3000 46.60000 52.40000 59.00000 59.60000
#> ARIMA 44.57256 44.00092 44.7532 46.58614 48.98067 51.28793 52.90428
#> LPSF 35.80000 39.40000 38.2000 40.40000 46.90000 53.40000 59.60000
#> 43 44 45 46 47 48
#> Test values 60.40000 57.00000 50.70000 47.80000 39.20000 39.40000
#> ARIMA 53.42849 52.76027 51.11626 48.96226 46.88211 45.42019
#> LPSF 66.50000 60.40000 59.20000 51.20000 42.80000 45.80000
New simulation strategies in